The Calm Before The Storm
The Calm Before the Storm –Living Historiand Reenactors bring to life the tense moments just before the Texian War Independence erupted onto Presidio La Bahia.
Visit with living historians as they bring to life tense moments leading up to the arrival of the Texian forces at the gates of Presidio La Bahia. Learn about the daily life and of a Mexican soldier stationed at the Presidio. Watch and listen in as these soldiers prepare for the coming storm and visit with them about what the impending war would mean for the common soldier of Santa Anna’s grand army.
Dress for the weather as this event takes place out of doors. Admission is $5 for adults, $4.50 for seniors, $2 for children 6-11, under 6 are free.
WHEN September 7th & 8th, 2019
TIMES <9:00AM-5:00PM & 9:00AM-12:00PM
Presidio La Bahia
217 Loop 71
Goliad, TX 77963